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Image Credits (as of July 2015, website relaunch)
Stock Library Photo by Amanda Marx, Licence CC BY 2.0- image has been blurred
July 2015 Photos of Open Repositories 2015 by Mohsin Husen & James Evans
Hero Section Image: Stock Library Photo by Amanda Marx, CC BY 2.0- image has been blurred
Composite of multi-devices with ‘Search & Discovery’ section by William Hodgson-Byrne, formerly of BioMed Central web-design team
Hero Image: Stock server photo 1 –by Dennis van Zuijlekom CC BY-SA 2.0-image has been blurred
Stock server photo 2 - CC0 Public Domain
Image of BioMed Central &/or Springer-Nature IT staff taken by Pia Melichar from BMC's Communications team
Hero Section Iamge: Image of BioMed Central &/or Springer-Nature IT staff taken by Pia Melichar from BMC's Communications team
Photo of CUAL launch kindly provided by the CUAL team, Republic of Ireland.
Image with ‘Who works for Open Repository’ taken by Rachel Craven, Senior Product Manager, BioMed Central, CC-BY
Clients: None
Contact: Image of BioMed Central &/or Springer-Nature IT staff taken by Pia Melichar from BMC's Communications team
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